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Our Team
Photo Credit: Inspira Studios
We are Rise Together
Click Our Portraits to Read Our Stories
All portraits were taken by Devi Pride Photography.

(Pronouns: he/him /his)
Kelvin Nivens is the founder and executive director of Project Daraja Inc., a nonprofit organization in Santa Cruz County working to ensure the smallest and lowest earning communities of our county are afforded the benefits of specialized health care and wellness programs.
Kelvin Nivens
Rise Together Fellows
Fellows are no longer active members but remain an important part of the broader coalition
(pronouns: he/him/his)
Kevin spends most of his days hanging out at the intersection of giving and action for the greater good. Each passing day is a chance to learn from and assist generous souls and community problem..
(pronouns: he/him/his)
Kevin spends most of his days hanging out at the intersection of giving and action for the greater good. Each passing day is a chance to learn from and assist generous souls and community problem solvers...
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